@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000464, author = {木浪, 龍太郎 and Kinami, Ryutaro and 松本, 隆太郎 and Matsumoto, Ryutaro and 長島, 和幸 and 根本, 想 and Kinami, Ryutaro and Matsumoto, Ryutaro and Nagashima, Kazuyuki and Nemoto, So}, issue = {5}, journal = {育英大学研究紀要, THE BULLETIN OF IKUEI UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to understand the research trend of judo classes in university physical education, and to clarify the direction of future research from the viewpoint of educational quality assurance.   In this study, 36 references were included in the analysis. After reviewing and organizing the contents of the literature, we found that there are two main trends in research on judo classes in university physical education: research on understanding the actual conditions of learners, and research on the contents and methods of teaching in classes.   Finally, future research directions were examined based on the issues presented in previous studies. As a result, future research issues related to the three perspectives of educational objectives, teaching content and methods, and assessment were identified.}, pages = {25--34}, title = {大学体育における柔道授業に関する研究動向について ― 教育の質保証に向けた今後の研究の方向性の検討 ―}, year = {2023} }