@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000458, author = {東城, 由香利 and 金沢, 翔一 and 根本, 想 and 岡田, 悠佑 and Tojo, Yukari and Kanazawa, Shoichi and Nemoto, So and Okada, Yusuke}, issue = {39}, journal = {育英短期大学研究紀要, THE BULLETIN OF IKUEI JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to organize “cross-curriculum learning” from the guiding principle of Japan and preceding study and proposing a lesson that makes use of the characteristics of both Physical Education and Foreign Language. As a result, we could propose a lesson about both the units of P.E. and Foreign Language by connecting with the ways of thinking in each subject. In conclusion, we would like to state the following two points. 1) It will be better to arrange the number of sports to learn based on the pupils of each individual school. 2)Itʼs effective to introduce the activities focused on the Olympic and Paralympic athletes or places associated with their hometown.   However, we still have a problem with the aspect of evaluation. In this research, we could evaluate pupils in Foreign Language, but in P.E. we only evaluate their knowledge. We need to deepen the method of evaluation as a “cross-curriculum learning.”}, pages = {101--109}, title = {小学校体育科における教科等横断的な学び ― 外国語科との学びをつなぐ授業の提案 ―}, year = {2022} }