@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000457, author = {木浪, 龍太郎 and 松本, 隆太郎 and 根本, 想 and Kinami, Ryutaro and Matsumoto, Ryutaro and Nemoto, So}, issue = {39}, journal = {育英短期大学研究紀要, THE BULLETIN OF IKUEI JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to understand the research trends on the learning contents of judo in Japanese physical education classes by targeting the literature since 2008.   As a result, it was confirmed that there are two research trends in judo classes: the direction of how existing judo techniques and philosophies can be related to academic physical education, and the direction of re-examining existing judo techniques and philosophies from the viewpoint of the mechanism and structure of movement. Finally, the future challenges of these research trends are also discussed.}, pages = {93--100}, title = {教科体育における柔道授業の学習内容に関する研究動向 ― 2008 年以降の文献を対象に ―}, year = {2022} }