@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000416, author = {根本, 想 and 金沢, 翔一 and 岡田, 悠佑 and 安田, 純輝 and Nemoto, So and Kanazawa, Shoichi and Okada, Yusuke and Yasuda, Junki}, issue = {37}, journal = {育英短期大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study is to elucidate through an interview-based survey the process by which someone unable to swim becomes able to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke. The survey participant was a woman who could not swim a meter before taking university swimming classes. Owing to the swimming classes, she learnt to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke. Data was collected via a semi-structured interview. Trajectory Equifinality Modeling (TEM) was used for the analysis.\n  The following three conclusions were made:\n  1) Students who could not swim at all became able to swim front crawl by first learning to\nbreathe underwater.\n  2) For breaststroke, the students timed their breathing by watching others swim, thereby\nlearning to time their breathing with their swimming strokes.\n  3) Those who could not swim became able to swim for long periods doing front crawl and breaststroke, by going through the following three stages: a stage at which they could not think of anything, a stage at which they swam while thinking, and a stage at which they could swim without thinking.}, pages = {41--51}, title = {大学体育における水泳授業によってクロールと平泳ぎを「続けて長く泳ぐこと」ができるようになるプロセス ─ 当事者の語りの分析から ─}, year = {2020} }