@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000406, author = {三浦, 哲也 and Miura, Tetsuya}, issue = {35}, journal = {育英短期大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The Dusun people at the northern mountainous area in Borneo has their unique drinking\nculture. However, this culture is now changing due to the effects of economic development and\nglobalization. The preferences and demand of their alcoholic drinks are expected to change\ndramatically in the near future. This article aims to examine the actual condition of young generation’s drinking and the\ndirection of changes in preference, especially based on a survey of young people who have\nexperience living in urban area.}, pages = {13--22}, title = {マレーシア・ドゥスン族社会における若年層の飲酒嗜好}, year = {2018} }