@article{oai:ikuei.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000004, author = {木浪, 龍太郎 and Kinami, Ryutaro and 松本, 隆太郎 and Matsumoto, Ryutaro and 長島, 和幸 and Nagashima, Kazuyuki and 岡田, 悠佑 and Okada, Yusuke and 根本, 想 and Nemoto, So}, issue = {6}, journal = {育英大学研究紀要, THE BULLETIN OF IKUEI UNIVERSITY}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this study, we referred to previous research in safety education and findings on the learning structure of judo, considered situations in which learners act with consideration for safety, and examined methods for learning consideration for safety in the context of technical learning in judo classes. Previous studies on safety education have confirmed that the conceptual structure of the abilities that individuals exhibit when acting to ensure safety, such as predicting danger and avoiding or controlling dangerous situations, as well as theoretical models regarding the mechanism of occurrence of health-related behaviors have been proposed. In the study on the learning structure of judo, it was pointed out that a structural feature of judo is the learning of concepts that are contained in judo techniques, and based on the findings of previous studies, this concept could be viewed as a martial art nature. Based on these findings, we found the possibility of learning safety considerations through the physical movements of the “Tsukuri” and “Kake” phases (the scene of setting up techniques) in judo classes.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {大学体育における柔道授業の設計方法に関する一考察 ―技術学習を通じて安全への配慮を学ぶ方法の検討―}, year = {2024} }